活出自己的音樂, 為自己演奏.
九龍塘、沙田、旺角 310-495
Marco擁有多年教學經驗,獲全額獎學金就讀並畢業於英國皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music)藝術家文憑(學院最高修課課程)及碩士(優等) ,以及香港中文大學學士 (一等榮譽)。 在英國期間,師承倫敦主要樂團長笛/短笛/巴羅克長笛家,包括Sue Thomas (LPO), Emer McDonough (RPO及前香港管弦樂團首席), Katie Bedford (ENO), Kathleen Stevenson (BBCSO), Stewart McIlwham (LPO) 及Rachel Brown (AAM)。過去在港一直師隨莊雪華女士,並積極參與不同國際音樂節和大師班。 配合不同學生能力,能提供全方位和有系統式音樂培訓(長笛基本工及音樂知識)以及樂曲分析和演繹。長笛課程注重以下四點: - 因材施教,透過音樂訓練批判思考 - 注重基本功和姿勢,從而達致最佳技巧演奏不同樂曲 - 深入探討樂曲風格,音樂並不只是平平無奇的音符 - 注重學生獨特音樂性,最終希望學生尋找個人聲音 適合初學者至演奏級學生,合適時候可準備考試、比賽或表演,同時亦歡迎成人學生工餘為興趣而學習! Marco has multiple years of teaching experience. He was granted full scholarship in studying at the Royal College of Music, London and was awarded Artist Diploma (highest level of taught postgraduate programme) and Master of Music (Distinction). He was previously awarded Bachelor of Arts in Music (First-Class Honours) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. During his studies in London, Marco was under the tutelage of flautists of major London orchestras, including Sue Thomas, Emer McDonough, Katie Bedford, Kathleen Stevenson, Stewart McIlwham and Rachel Brown. He studied with Ivy Chuang back in Hong Kong and is active in participating in international music festivals and masterclasses. Marco's teaching focuses on developing students' solid skills with fundamental technique and tone exercises. All lessons focus on the following 4 goals: - Develop a critical mindset through music learning - Focus on fundamental techniques and posture to develop the optimal strategy in music playing - In-depth discussion and analysis to achieve the correct musical style of different pieces - Ultimate goal is to assist students in finding your own musical voice! Suitable for beginners to diploma students. Marco is happy to prepare students for exams, competitions or concerts when necessary. Adult students are also welcome!
中區、柴灣、赤柱、銅鑼灣、跑馬地、灣仔、天后、北角、薄扶林、中環、山頂、旺角、太子、沙田、將軍澳、觀塘、長沙灣、九龍塘、九龍城、美孚、坑口、九龍灣、大圍、火炭、馬鞍山 825-1155
寶琳、坑口、將軍澳 300-780
鴨脷洲、鰂魚涌、跑馬地、灣仔北、堅尼地城、中區、天后、小西灣、北角半山、淺水灣、渣甸山、柴灣、太子、灣仔、中環、薄扶林、西灣河、筲箕灣、上環、北角、銅鑼灣、西營盤、香港仔 350-620
每節課將包括基本音色, 指法訓練,初級到中級水平的樂章和sight reading, 以活潑有趣的教授方法深得家長學生喜愛
新蒲崗、石硤尾、牛頭角、大角咀、九龍灣、九龍塘、觀塘、又一村、太子、慈雲山、旺角、油塘、彩虹、北角、深水埗、大埔、香港仔、油麻地、紅磡、馬鞍山、沙田、鑽石山、九龍城、長沙灣、尖沙咀、黃大仙、大圍 200-680