鋼琴調音價錢2022 ︳香港鋼琴調音服務︳鋼琴調音師
Beautiful music can cultivate temperament, accurate pitch is the first step and the most important part before learning and playing. Once the played sound does not match the correct note, even if there is no playing error, the music will be unbearable, and more serious will constitute a great obstacle to learning and confuse the position of the pitch. A piano, no matter how precise the structure is, or has been tuned many times, will change the pitch due to changes in temperature. The general home piano is tuned at least two to three times a year, and the auditorium piano and professional studio piano need to be tuned before each use. Our tuner has a wealth of piano tuning experience and will be able to provide you with professional tuning services. 美妙的樂曲能陶冶性情,準確的音準是學習和演奏前的第一步,也是最重要的部分。 一旦彈奏的音與正確音符不相符,就算沒有彈奏出錯,也會令樂曲不堪入耳,更嚴重的更會對學習構成很大的障礙和混淆音高的位置。 一部鋼琴無論結構多精密,或已經多次調音,亦會因氣溫的變化令音準改變。 一般家用鋼琴每年調音最少二至三次,演奏廳鋼琴及專業錄音室鋼琴於每次使用前均需調音。 本司的調音師擁有豐富的鋼琴調音經驗,定必能為您提供專業的鋼琴調音服務。 *另有提供鋼琴調整和鋼琴維修服務
Music Map 鋼琴調音
日期 | 立即預約Music Map鋼琴調音 |
時間 | 早上8時至晚上8時 |
地點 | 全港九新界 (偏遠地區需另外收費) |
費用 | 直身琴500,三角琴700 (另有套票) Upright piano 500,Grand piano 700 |