安蘇菲.慕達小提琴演奏會 Violin Recital by Anne-Sophie Mutter
安蘇菲.慕達在過去40年,與貝多芬的小提琴作品結下不解緣。「貝多芬年」前夕,她與林伯特.奧卻斯再度來港,演出三首貝多芬小提琴奏鳴曲。慕達追求完美無瑕的琴音,也執着於忠實呈現音樂作品,鉅細無遺,絕不馬虎。她以這種態度演奏貝多芬,重拾貝多芬挑戰惰性的精神,「春天」及「克羅采」奏鳴曲再耳熟能詳,在她手上也絕非例行公事。 In the past four decades, the name “Anne-Sophie Mutter” has been synonymous with Beethoven's violin works. On the eve of “Beethoven Year”, she and Lambert Orkis will return to Hong Kong to perform three of Beethoven’s violin sonatas. Mutter strives for perfection in her sounds, and makes a point to present an accurate and faithful rendition of a piece of music, down to every last detail. In taking this approach to Beethoven’s works, Mutter reaffirms the composer’s challenge against inertia, and her performances of familiar works such as the “Spring” sonata and the “Kreutzer” sonata are anything but routine.
【全貝多芬節目 An all-Beethoven Programme】 A小調第四奏鳴曲,作品二十三 F大調第五奏鳴曲,作品二十四,「春天」 A大調第九奏鳴曲,作品四十七,「克羅采」 Sonata No. 4 in A minor, Op. 23 Sonata No. 5 in F, Op. 24, “Spring” Sonata No. 9 in A, Op. 47, “Kreutzer”
日期 | 27.11.2019 (星期三 Wed) |
時間 | 8pm |
地點 | 香港文化中心音樂廳 |
費用 | $880, $700, $550, $400, $250 |