貝多芬250 梵志登的貝一|郎朗
2020年是貝多芬誕生250 週年,超級鋼琴巨星將與港樂演出,節目選自貝多芬在維也納剛開展事業之時期。《艾格蒙》序曲是貝多芬首次涉足音樂戲劇之作,第一交響曲則展示他對恩師海頓敬仰之情,而第二鋼琴協奏曲(其實是第一首)則是他為維也納觀眾創作及演奏的鋼琴協奏曲。 節目 貝多芬《艾格蒙》序曲 貝多芬 第二鋼琴協奏曲 貝多芬 第一交響曲 Launching this special Beethoven year – marking the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth – we welcome superstar pianist Lang Lang in a programme featuring music with which Beethoven launched his career in Vienna. The Egmont Overture was Beethoven’s introduction to musical theatre, the First Symphony showed his indebtedness to his teacher Haydn, while the Piano Concerto, despite its number, was actually the first one he composed and performed for the Viennese audience. Programmme BEETHOVEN Egmont Overture BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto no. 2 BEETHOVEN Symphony no. 1
梵志登,指揮 郎朗,鋼琴 Jaap van Zweden, conductor Lang Lang, piano 主辦機構:Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
日期 | 2020年1月16日 (星期四)和18日(星期六) |
時間 | 8:00pm |
地點 | 香港文化中心音樂廳 |
費用 | $1,880 $1,480 $980 $580 |