《馬勒樂團1%慈善音樂會 — 致親愛的許曉暉女士》
贈人玫瑰,手有餘香。 各個慈善機構在社會上都扮演著重要的角色,有的救助貧困,有的促進教育,有的推廣宗教,也有其他有益於社會而具慈善性質的宗旨。他們都旨在促進各群體的生活環境和推廣積極人生信息。 是次《馬勒樂團1%慈善音樂會》的命名目的正是推廣「生命傳愛行動」,透過「保單捐贈計劃」捐贈1%投保額予慈善機構,讓社會成為保單受益人,為香港締造「捐保單.做善事」的新捐獻文化,集腋成裘,為社會累積資本,創建共享城市。馬勒樂團更是計劃其中一個受惠機構呢! 此外,我們榮幸邀得著名鋼琴家羅乃新女士,同為許女士的好友,與我們攜手在這富有意義的慈善音樂會中獻上美麗的音樂,紀念馬勒樂團永遠榮譽顧問、前民政事務局副局長許曉暉女士。許女士於2018年12月3日與世長辭,終年45歲。 馬勒樂團呈獻給大家:《馬勒樂團1%慈善音樂會 — 致親愛的許曉暉女士》。 More blessed to give than to receive. Charity organisations play important roles in the society. Some focus on relief of poverty, advancement of education, advancement of religion and some other purposes of a charitable nature beneficial to the community. They all aim to enhance living space of different social groups and promote positive living message. The naming purpose of "GMO 1% Charity Concert" is to promote LifeCare Movement, through Policy Donation, policy holders can donate 1% of the sum insured to charities, for the society to be the policy beneficiary, to create and develop a new donation culture in Hong Kong, in order to establish a co-sharing city. GMO is one of the beneficiaries as well! Besides, we are pleased to invite renowned pianist Ms Nancy Loo, who is also a good friend of Ms Hui, together with us to perform beautiful music at this meaningful charity concert, to commemorate the Permanent Honorary Advisor of GMO, and the former Undersecretary for Home Affairs of the HKSAR Government, Ms Florence Hui, who passed away at the age of 45 on 3 December 2018. Gustav Mahler Orchestra presents to you "GMO 1% Charity Concert - Dedicated to Ms Florence Hui".
馬勒樂團 主辦及演出團體 吳懷世 藝術總監兼首席指揮 羅乃新 鋼琴獨奏 節目 舒曼 鋼琴協奏曲 柴可夫斯基 第五交響曲
日期 | 2020年3月17日(二) |
時間 | 晚上8時 |
地點 | 香港文化中心音樂廳 |
費用 | $200 正價 - $150 全日制學生、60歲或以上長者、殘疾人士及看護人並綜援受惠人可獲75折優惠 - $180 凡購買正價門票4張或以上,可獲9折優惠 |