蔡老師已考獲鋼琴演奏級ATCL、八級樂理和小提琴五級。有8年教學經驗,包括私人學生、琴行和樂器伴奏,年齡由兩歲半至成人不等。 另外,蔡老師分別在香港大學修畢教育碩士 和 教育大學修畢教育學憑,熟悉不同類型的教學法,因材施教,軟硬兼施,鼓勵學生勇於嘗試和為其建立自信心。透過多元的教學(例如flash card遊戲、聆聽、樂理分析等),啟發每位學生的音樂天賦。 上課期間,蔡老師著重學生對節奏的認識、彈琴的手型、樂理分析和感情表達。 Miss Tsoi has passed ATCL piano diploma,grade 8 music theory with merit and grade 5 violin. She has 8 years of teaching experience, including private students, piano centre and instrumental accompaniment, ranging from 2 years old to adults. In addition, Miss Tsoi graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a master's degree in education and the Education University of Hong Kong with a postgraduate diploma of Education. She is familiar with different types of teaching methods, for example flash card game, hands clapping exercises etc.. She teaches students in accordance with their ages and understands their needs. Most importantly, she motivates and inspires students to excel their music talent and helps them to build up self-confidence. During the class, Ms Tsoi focused on students' understanding of rhythm, hand shape of playing piano, music theory analysis and emotional expression. 蔡老師教學級數分為初中高級 級數界定如下: 初級: 初級至4級 中級: 5-6級 高級為7-8級
Teaching experience
由2014年開始Teaching languages
Cantonese, English, Mandarin
Teaching regions
Yau Ma Tei, Wong Tai Sin, King's Park, To Kwa Wan, Choi Hung, San Po Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui, Ngau Chi Wan, Wang Tau Hom, Diamond Hill, Yau Tong, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon City, Kwun Tong, Tsz Wan Shan, Prince Edward, Kowloon Bay, Cha Kwo Ling