郭氏師承香港管弦樂團首席Megan Sterling,副首席Olivier Nowak,Ander Erburu,張帷甯,並曾受香港管弦樂團首席Megan Sterling,莊雪華,長笛藝術學院胡永彥,Paola Bonora, ,Federica Lotti ,Mark Grauwels,Elizabeth Mcnutt指導。其曾獲第71屆香港學校校際音樂節長笛高級組冠軍,第五屆HKYPAF香港國際青少年表演藝術節2017長笛高級組金獎及其國際總決賽亞軍,香港聯校音樂大賽2018長笛高級組金獎(三甲從缺),合奏方面亦於香港校際音樂節屢獲三甲,並以distinction成績考獲LTCL,現正於香港演藝學院就讀(主修長笛)。 郭氏的樂團經驗豐富,曾參與香港青年交響樂團,香港青年管樂團,香港青年愛樂樂團,香港南區管弦樂團,香港南區管樂團,香港青年音樂營管樂團,香港青年音樂營少年管樂團,Hong KongMusic Summer Orchestra(與亞洲青年管弦樂團合演),庇理羅士管樂團,庇理羅士女子中學管弦樂團,庇理羅士女子中學管樂團,北角循道學校管樂團,其中於香港青年管樂團,庇理羅士女子中學管弦樂團,庇理羅士女子中學管樂團,北角循道學校管樂團擔任聲部長。郭氏更隨香港青年管樂團於日本代表香港參加2018亞太管樂音樂節,隨庇理羅士女子中學管弦樂團代表香港參與第五屆兩岸四地學校樂團音樂節,並任聯合管弦樂團香港代表。 Kwok has followed Ms Megan Sterling, Mr Olivier Nowak and Mr Ander Erburu from the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and Miss Chang Wei-ning for professional training in flute performance. She has also been coached by Ms Megan Sterling, Ms Chuang Suet Wah,Ivy from the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Mr Matthew Wu from the Hong Kong Flute Academy, Ms Paola Bonora (the flute instructor for the Asian Youth Orchestra), Ms Federica Lotti, Mr Mark Grauwels and Ms Elizabeth Mcnutt. Kwok has won quite a number of awards in both international and local competitions including but not limited to the 1st runner-up of the International Finals in the 5th Hong Kong Youth Performing Arts Festival Flute(Advanced) Category, the champion of Flute Solo (Secondary School) (Senior) in the 71st Schools Music Festival, Gold Award in Hong Kong Joint School Music Competition 2018 (only 1 gold award and 1 silver award were given). Her ensemble teams have also been awarding-winning. She has attained LTCL with distinction and is currently pursuing her studies in Hong Kong Academy For Performing Arts (Majoring in Flute). Kwok has been an active member of both regional and inter-school bands and orchestras including the Hong Kong Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band (arranged by the Music Office), the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Youth Music Camp (Band 2019 and Junior Band 2018), the Hong Kong Music Summer Orchestra (arranged by the Asian Youth Orchestra), the Southern District Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Band, Belilios Public School Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Band, and the Chinese Methodist School (North Point) Symphonic Band, where she held the position of flute principal in the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band, Belilios Public School Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Band, as well as the Chinese Methodist School (North Point) Symphonic Band. Representing Hong Kong, she has visited Hamamatsu and Tokyo, Japan with the Hong Kong Youth Symphonic Band. She had also been the Hong Kong Representative (Flute) in the 5th School Orchestra Festival of the Four Regions Across the Strait, which was featured in the 9th Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra Music Festival during the tour to Macau with the BPS Symphony Orchestra.
英國倫敦聖三一學院LTCL院士文憑Distinction 英國皇家音樂學院八級Distinction